The Analysis of Developing a Creative Imagination Enhancement Module (PIK) For Preschool Based on Traditional Malay Children’s Songs: A Preliminary Study


  • Nurul Jannah Kamaruddin
  • Nurrul Huwaina Ridzuan Lotfi
  • Nor Aida Sapuan
  • Abdul Halim Masnan


Creative Imagination, Children's Songs, Preliminary Study, Preschool, Module Development


This article presents a preliminary study aimed at analyzing the development of a Creative Imagination Enhancement Module (PIK) for preschoolers based on traditional Malay children's songs. The focus of this research is to explore and assess the potential of utilizing traditional Malay children's songs to enhance creative imagination in preschool-aged children. The study is structured around three key aspects: examining the existing knowledge of preschoolers in the enhancement of creative imagination through traditional Malay children's songs, analyzing the requirements for module development, and evaluating the content and activities encompassed within the proposed module. A quantitative research approach was employed, involving the distribution of questionnaires to 33 preschool teachers. The study's findings indicate a consensus among preschool teachers on the necessity of developing a module, emphasizing the three identified aspects. In conclusion, this article underscores the importance of creating a preschool Creative Imagination Enhancement Module (PIK) grounded in traditional Malay children's songs. The intended outcome is to fortify the pillars and content standards stipulated in the National Preschool Standard Curriculum (NPSC), particularly in the realms of physical and aesthetic development.


