Raising English Language Performance Through Holy Scripture Memorisation (Holy Quran)
Memory, Academic Performance, English, Holy Scripture, Quranic MemorisationAbstract
This study aims at recognizing the effects of Quranic memorisation on students’ English language performance. In general, numerous secondary-level institutions in Malaysia are practising 30 ‘Juz’ (chapters) of Quranic memorisation syllabuses to encourage the students to fathom the art of Quranic memorisation. Therefore, this study was conducted to rule out that Quranic memorisation can bring about a great impact on the student’s academic performance generally and in the English language specifically. For the said effects, 208 ‘Huffaz’ or students of Quranic memorisation (N=208) of different ages from two schools were approached. Results were compiled and analysed using SPSS. The results revealed a significant relationship between memorising Al-Quran and academic performance precisely in English language subjects. Thus, it can be summed up that memorising Al-Quran should be paid attention to as it plays a role in contributing to students’ excellent academic performance.