Decoding 1511's Fm 5: Express Learning of Form 5 Science Concepts


  • Jeremiah Anak Raphael
  • Nurfaradilla Mohamad Nasri


Decoding 1511, Express Learning, Form 5 Science, Science Concepts.


A sharp increase in positive cases of Covid - 19 infection could result in the closure of schools at any time. This will of course disrupt the process of physical learning sessions and further delay the delivery of all Learning Areas to students. This study was conducted to see the extent of the effectiveness of the proposed Form 5 Core Science Content Standard delivery method. The method is named Decoding 1511's Form 5: Express Learning of Form 5 Science Concepts. Form 5B students of SMK Balai Ringin were divided into 8 groups. Each group was assigned 3 Form 5 Content Standards to be decoded to form a brief note. To find out the impact of this method, a questionnaire was distributed to these 5B students via online. The results of descriptive data analysis found that 39 students agreed that they could understand the content presented by their peers. This method will be continued as to complete the remaining 5 Content Standards that have not been presented.


