Teaching and Learning Adaptation: Lecturers-Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Zuraini Jusoh
  • Yusfarina Mohd Yussof
  • Simah Mamat


E-Learning, Teaching and Learning, Pandemic, New Norms, Student Lecturers, Institutions of Higher Learning


The Covid-19 pandemic is an unexpected phenomenon that must be faced by the world. Apart from economy and social, the world of education is also affected. The implementation of education had to be adapted to these unforeseen circumstances when educational institutions had to be closed. Students had to attend lectures online from their respective residences, as did lecturers when face to face lectures were taken over by online lectures. Although, students and lecturers have difficulty adjusting to these new norms in the early stages, both parties need to adapt to these changes. Whether we like it or not, the implementation of virtual teaching and learning must be used as well. Accordingly, this paper was conducted to obtain student feedback on the implementation of virtual lectures conducted by course lecturers. Students who attended the lectures were asked to comment on the implementation during the 14 weeks of the lecture in PutraBLAST UPM. Overall, the findings of the study found that lecturers can adapt to these changes by using several teaching platforms that are appropriate to the situation of students and students are also able to follow lectures smoothly.


