The Implementation of Reading Responsive Methods to Increase Students’ Understanding of Honesty Values in Character Education


  • Abdul Talib Hashim
  • Amir Hasan Dawi
  • Nordin Mamat
  • Alpansyah A.


Schools, Reading, Character Education, Values Education, Noble Values


This study compared the achievement score of students’ understanding towards the honesty values between experimental group that had been taught using Responsive Reading Method module and a group of students who had been taught using the existing practice module (conventional approach). The study utilised a quasi-experimental research design. Gathered data was analysed using SPSS Version 23 involved a paired sample of the t-test to compare the mean scores of the pre-test and post-test between the experimental group and the control group. Whereas, independent t-test was used to determine the significant of mean scores between of the experimental group with the control group. The findings of the study showed that the achievement of comprehension scores of character honesty values for students taught with the Reader Responsive Methods had higher scores compared to the existing teaching method. In addition, the findings of the study also showed that there was no significant difference in the achievement of comprehension scores of honesty character values for students taught with the Reader Responsive Method based on gender. The implication of this study highlights the need to change the existing teaching practice and consider the Reader Responsive Methods to be carried out nationally to improve the understanding of the honesty character values. This change is vital as it seems has a positive impact on better ecosystem in promoting honesty values understanding especially in character education curriculum.


