Operation of Distance Education at the Tertiary Level: A Case Study of Students of Cape Coast University, Valley View University and University of Education Winneba
Distance Education, Operations, Tertiary Level of Education, Opening Learning, Socio-economic Background.Abstract
The Operation of Distance Education has become a major mode of education because the conventional education is unable to meet the growing demand for admission into tertiary institutions. Through application of purposive sampling technique (procedure) this research brings to light the operations of Distance Education in Ghana at the tertiary level. In establishing this, literature covering different aspects of operational challenges is reviewed. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses were applied. The results from the respondents denote ´´good´´ impression about the operation of Distance Education in that the students can add more academic and professional value to their careers while working. However, socio-economic and financial factors posed problems for Distance Education participants. Combination of work and studies identified as major challenge in pursuing Distance Education. The use of electronic media, employing more tutors, ensuring relatively permanent teaching- learning venues and other factors facilitate efficacy and considerable improvement of Distance Education operation in Ghana. To make distance education more effective, the following recommendations are made: modern I.C.T. tools must be used in the
operation Distance Education; institutions and organizations should be made to accept Distance Education Certificates; more lecturers/instructors should be employed; study leave for Distance Education students to solve financial difficulty the students face; and the scope of Distance Education should be widen to cover many subjects taught.