The Effects of Collaborative Tasks on The Speaking Skills of Malaysian Adolescents in an ESL Classroom


  • Evelyn Rita Adickalam
  • Melor Md Yunus


Collaborative Task, Speaking Skills, L2 Learners, ESL Classroom, Online Learning


The ability to speak effectively is absolutely essential in the learning and teaching of second or third language. This paper aims to investigate the effects of Collaborative Tasks on the Speaking Skills of Malaysian Adolescents in an ESL Classroom by conducting collaborative speaking tasks. 65 students took part in a survey conducted on 16-year-old students from Zone Sentul, Kuala Lumpur. For eight weeks, students were asked to participate in collaborative speaking activities in English language classrooms. Students were asked to complete a five-point Likert Scale Questionnaire utilizing Google Form as a means of gathering data for this research. The data were analyzed by frequency. According to the findings, the majority of students preferred group work speaking activities which trained them to speak confidently during their speaking lessons. The positive replies from the questionnaire revealed that their speaking abilities have been boosted and their teachers’ participation had been minimal. with their friends and that the participation of their language teachers would be minimal. This research provides teachers some suggestions for planning group work speaking lessons as one of the most successful strategies for students to improve their speaking abilities. Future research recommendations were also discussed.


