Fuzzy Delphi Techniques: Creative Teaching Model Design for Polytechnic Islamic Education Lecturers


  • Norfarahi Zulkifli
  • Mohd Isa Hamzah
  • Khadijah Abdul Razak


Creative-teaching, Fuzzy Delphi, Islamic Education, Polytechnic Lecturer.


Looking at the changes in the country's education landscape, the aspect of creativity is the focus of the Malaysian Education Development Plan (PPPM) 2013-2025 which aims to produce a creative and innovative thinking workforce.  This showed that education is the main pillar to nurture and enhance creativity among students, which is the main source of human capital in the country, especially in the institutions of higher learning. Therefore, Islamic Education lecturers in polytechnics should always be ahead by improving teaching to be more creative.  This study was conducted to look at the elements needed in designing a creative teaching model based on active teaching practices, lecturer skills, and the application of moral values. The quantitative study used the Fuzzy Delphi Technique by administering a questionnaire to 14 experts to obtain data. The results of the study found that 39elements were accepted by the experts with a threshold value (d) ≤ 0.2, the percentage of expert agreement exceeded 75%, and the value of α-cut ≥ 0.5.


