Amplifying Honesty and Truthfulness in Learning from Risale-i Nur Perspective
Values, Honesty, Truthful, Nursi, Spiritual ValueAbstract
“The truth” is constantly being challenged and revealed in today’s world. That led to the age of uncertainty and doubt causing the process of teaching and learning becoming a way of transgression of possibilities that are challenging the authority, questioning power and rebuttal traditional way despite the original purpose of seeking knowledge has always been about questioning, challenging, transgressing, and bringing in new positions. With the rise of digital phenomenon of fast and easy access to a wide range of information, students now evolving into new digital habits especially for Generation Z that cause academic dishonesty. Students also often underestimated and sharing knowledge has become one-way again (with online learning and virtual class) and if this new normality continues without transparency and understanding, learning will be lacking values and excitement. This cause students to approach problems with unique manners, asking honest curious questions and eager to unpack new experiences. Hence, this review article will focus on value of honesty which is the key value in learning––be it personalized or in general––from the perspective of Risale-i Nur, a treatise of light that discuss how honesty is a strong opponent for falsehood, against deceit and as spiritual remedies for spiritual sickness caused by lying.