Analysis of Student Error in Statistical Subject: A Case Study for Online Learning


  • Maisurah Shamsuddin
  • Siti Balqis Mahlan
  • Fadzilawani Astifar Alias
  • Muniroh Hamat
  • Siti Asmah Mohamed


Statistics, Hypothesis, Newman Method, Online Learning, Descriptive.


Statistics is a core subject for most courses at the university level. Most students apply statistics in producing final-year projects. During the period of online learning, it was found that student's performance in this subject has decreased. Therefore, this study was conducted to descriptively examine the errors committed by students in the subject of statistics. A total of 54 students in the semester of October - February 2021 who took statistic subjects were involved in this study. Data were obtained from the online final assessment. This study focused on the topic of hypothesis based on the mean of the lowest scores obtained. Each student's answer sheet was checked and reviewed for their mistakes using the Newman method. The results of the study discovered that majority of the students could not understand the requirements of the questions related to the hypothesis test. This led them to make other mistakes including transformation and process skills. Lecturers need to focus on these errors and use teaching and learning methods more effectively. Indirectly, mastery in the field of statistics can be improved to a more excellent level.


