The History of the Qur’anic Enigma and the Impact of Interpretation in Directing it


  • Mohamed Fathy Mohamed Abdelgelil
  • Mahmoud Fathy Mohamed Abdelgalil Osman
  • Reda Owis Hassan Serour
  • Mukhamad Hadi Musolin Subagio
  • Ammar Kamal Ibrahim Othman
  • Ahmad Fauzi Hassan


Interpretation, Directing, Quran, Hadith, Quranic Enigma


The Qur’an was revealed to guide human beings and to bring guidance and happiness to them, but the confusion in understanding some of its verses comes either from someone who slanders the religion and wages war against Allah Almighty and His Messenger, sparing no effort in antagonizing the Qur’an and its followers, in order to overthrow it and degrade its value; Such people started with the beginning of the revelation of the Qur’an, and they said many sayings about it, seeking to discredit it, including their saying: It is magic, fortune-telling, myths of the ancients, or other things that were a path followed by those who came after them from the hypocrites and heretics atheists, and they developed other ways to slander the Qur’an, its language, and its source. Accordingly, the research shows interpretation as one of the paths of solving the Qur’anic enigma, as well as the history of the Qur’anic enigma. The research is based on the analytical approach in order to track the positions in which the people of interpretation supported the Qur’anic readings. It has been concluded from this research that the interpretation has a major role in solving the Qur’anic enigma, and that the one who says some problems about the Holy Qur’an are not only from the infidels, but may be from Muslims, but from the people of knowledge, in terms of his desire to reach knowledge, and not doubt the Holy Qur’an. Also, the Qur’anic enigma appeared since the time of the Noble Prophet when some of the companions were confused about some Qur’anic terms, and the first book that reached us that singled out the Qur’anic enigma is the book of Qutrub, and it relied on syntax, then it was followed by the book of al-Fara’ and it was more inclusive than it.


