Attention, Perception, Memory, and Creativity: Understanding the Impact of Culture and Their Diversity in Cognitive Processes


  • Saeid Motevalli
  • Mohd Sahandri Ghani Hamzah
  • Mina Tresa Anak Michael


Cross-cultural, Cognitive Process, Attention, Perception, Memory, Creativity


The purpose of the review article is to deepen the understanding of cultural diversity in terms of cognitive processes to avoid cultural conflicts such as misunderstanding and miscommunication. In this review, we found that there is a link that connected some cognitive processes with culture from various perspectives in our recent findings. The overall research findings suggested that there are pieces of evidence of how culture can play a role and differ from other cultures in cognitive processes such as perception, attention, memory, and creativity. Evaluation and the measurement of the culture and cognition by the researchers in the studies were included in this review together with the results of the findings and some future implications for further research proposed by the researchers of the study in some studies reviewed. We will also review how people of various cultures adapt their cognition which differs them from other cultures in some studies. In conclusion, we hope that more factors should be considered for cross-cultural studies in cognition, and further critical interpretation is needed in this review article to made people realize the diversity of cognition in culture and accept it.


