Competence of Agricultural Vocational Stream Instructors from the Perspective of Field Experts in Malaysian Agricultural Vocational Colleges


  • Shuhada Abdul Raof
  • Aede Hatib Musta’amal @ Jamal
  • Norzanah Rosmin


Competence, Agricultural Educators, Vocational Colleges


This study is a qualitative study that used structured interviews to explore the elements of competence required by agricultural instructors in Malaysian agricultural vocational colleges. A literature review was conducted to identify current issues related to teaching staff. In addition, an analysis of relevant documents was carried out to ensure that the issues to be discussed are appropriate to the study conducted besides establishing an appropriate interview protocol. Interviews were conducted in groups; better known as focus group discussions. These interviews successfully explored the views, experiences and FGDs of encouraging group dynamics to generate data. This study is related to the competency required by agricultural educators. The findings of this interview have successfully explored the elements of competence required by agricultural educators. Competency elements of skills and knowledge consist of essential agricultural areas such as fertilisation activities, agricultural technology, automation, fertigation, seed technology, planting sites, produce marketing, soil science, pathology, vegetable and fruit cultivation, yield harvesting, pesticide management and irrigation systems. Behavioural competence comprises the elements of values, social roles, self-image, motives and traits. In addition, this study explores the constraints faced by teachers in achieving competencies. The findings of the study have successfully explored the elements of teaching staff competencies and constraints faced. It is hoped the results of this study can be used to produce an instrument to study the competence of agriculture educators.


