A Systematic Review on Islamic Education Teachers in Practicing Higher Order Thinking Skills in Malaysia


  • Rafizah Mohamed Salleh
  • Mohd Isa Hamzah
  • Hafizhah Zulkifli


Teaching Practices, Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), Islamic Education


Pupils’ achievement in mastering High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) are related to the teacher’s teaching practices. This article will disclose relevant themes on systematic teaching of Islamic education teachers in implementing HOTS. Meticulous observation was carried out through two databases namely the  Google Scholar and Dimension. Review method was based on Preferred Reporting Items for systematic Review and Meta analysis (PRISMA). The selection was based on certain criteria such as language, area of study , time frame , research focus, two related themes of previous researches involving HOTS practices. The first theme were the practices at the teaching levels that covered planning, starter, teaching developments, closure and practicing in general. The second theme covered component of practice which involved   knowledge, teaching methods, values and teaching aids. This research paper will contribute findings from the empirical aspect. Systematic reviews will give clear information to future researchers on research focus as well as themes being studied by the previous ones.


