A Need Analysis for Developing Inquiry Learning – Project-Based Learning Module (Modul PI-PBPj) in Secondary Science Subject


  • Sudina @ Sulina Sonte
  • Sabariah Sharif


Need Analysis, Inquiry-Learning and Project-based Learning Module, Secondary School Standard Curriculum, High-Level Thinking Skills, 21st Century Learning.


Science Education is one of the core subjects in KBSM and KSSM, and has various objectives and goals contained to produce students who not only know the facts of the development of Science Education in Malaysia or around the world but also able to stimulate students’ thinking through the learning of teachers needs to adapt High Level Thinking Skills (HLTS) or High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), in addition to focus on inquiry-based approaches and project-based learning so that students can master the skills needed in 21st century education. This situation has encouraged the process of teaching and learning Science through study and exploration by improving inquiry thinking among students, so the objective of this study is to identify whether there is a need to develop project-based and inquiry learning modules for the implementation of teaching and learning activities. The survey study through this questionnaire will involve a total of 50 Science teachers selected through purposeful sampling techniques. The data of this study were analyzed descriptively through IBM SPSS software. The findings of this study indicate that there is a need to develop a project-based Science teaching and learning activity module in the process of teaching and learning Science, in addition to provide learning experiences through activities to form a deep interpretation and understanding among students. The implications of this study will provide preliminary information an aspects that need to be focused on such as students abilities, appropriate teaching approaches, relevant learning materials and so on in the process of developing more effective teaching and learning modules.


