The Extent to Which Parents of Adolescents in Jordan Use Harmful Mediation Patterns in the Digital World


  • Nasser Aden Lafi
  • Roslan Ab Rahman
  • Nashaat Baioumy
  • Mustafa Che Omar
  • Ab Aziz Sulaiman


Parental Awareness, The Digital World, Parental Mediation, Reverse Mediation, Teens


Parents have a responsibility to integrate their children into the digital world in a way that enables them to exploit its opportunities and avoid its risks, through the use of regulatory mediation strategies (restrictions, monitoring and direct supervision) or supportive (active, remote, participation), but there are those who pursue methods that are counterproductive or harmful from Through the use of an unstructured management style, complete disregard for children, or complete prevention of contact with the digital world, and the question posed by this study is to what extent parents of adolescents in Jordan use negative (harmful) mediation pasterns in the digital world. The study used the descriptive and analytical approach, through an intentional corean sample of 469 items, through the application of the measure of the use of parents of teenagers in Jordan for harmful mediation patterns in the digital world, the data were processed statistically, depending on the Statistical Package for social sciences. The Results showed that more than half of parents use unregulated mediation or completely ignore their children, and few of them use the method of preventing their children from communicating with the digital world, From the above, it can be concluded that the use of reverse mediation is lesser few, but it does exist and in tangible proportions. Therefore, the study recommends intensifying parenting awareness programs on effective parental mediation patterns and enhancing their media skills so that they, in turn, can help their children safely integrate into the digital world.


