L1 vs L2 Preferences in Malaysian ESL Classrooms


  • Siti Nur Yusof
  • Siti Nur Laily Hussin
  • Farzaana Abdul Kadir


First Language (L1), Second Language (L2), Preferences, ESL Classrooms


Being bilingual or multilingual is a huge advantage. However, when it comes to learning the second language (L2), the first language (L1) tends to be seen as either facilitator or barrier. This is totally depending on how L1 is being utilised mainly in language classrooms. This study aims to identify the patterns of students’ preferences in using L1 and L2 when interacting with their ESL teachers and peers; and doing work in groups or pairs and as whole class in ESL classrooms at National Secondary School (SMK) and National Type (Chinese) Secondary School (SMJKC) in Malaysia. The findings revealed that majority of the students prefer to use L2 when they interact with their teacher and when having whole class discussion; and L1 when they interact with peers and working in groups or pairs. This decreases students’ chance to practice L2 (English language). Thus, study highlighted that there is a need to maximise practice of using L2 in language classrooms as students tend not to practice outside the classroom and even when doing some activities in the classroom.


