A Systematic Review of Teachers’ Perception Towards ICT Integrations in Mathematics Classroom


  • Teoh Hui Fung
  • Siti Mistima Maat


Perception, ICT, Technology, Mathematics, Teachers, Systematic Review


In the 21st century, the continuous integration of information communication technology (ICT) makes the professional development of mathematics teachers face new huge opportunities and challenges. Digitalization, showing infinite charm of development, it has become an important symbol of modernization in mathematics education. Hence, this articles review is to study about teachers’ perception towards ICT integrations in mathematics Classroom. Articles access from 2017 -2021 across two databases SCOPUS and WOS (Web of Science) were referred. This study used PRISMA Model (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses). A total of 697 articles were found however only 30 articles were identified that qualified and were accepted in this study. The result of SLR show that the majority country study is from Turkey follow by United States. The result shows that the frequency of studies in this field is uniform for 2017 to 2019, but it is increasing in year 2020. This might be cause by the Covid-19 pandemic that force the education system to be conducted online. In terms of methodology, the most research design that had been carry out is case study and conducted qualitatively. The findings can be used in guiding future research needed to be conducted concerning the integration of ICT in mathematics classroom.


