Theory and Model’s: Development of Soft Skill Rubric for The Co-Curricular Subject Among’s Matriculation Program Student of the Ministry of Education Malaysia


  • Aris Hanafi Abu Jalil
  • Gunathevan Elumalai
  • Mohd Izwan Shahril


Co-curricular, Curriculum, Soft Skills Section, Descriptive Study and Pre-Experiment


The assessment of the Co-curricular subjects in the Matriculation Program now needs to be more effective and clearer in order for Co-curricular Lecturer evaluate students more effectively and systematically against the established soft skills of Lifelong Learning and Teamwork through the Affective domain .The Co-curricular Coordinator needs specific guidance and details for evaluate students throughout the activities and programs they run. In addition, the Lecturers of the Cocurricular are less clear on the level of assessment that should be given when assessing students. Therefore, a standardized assessment section is essential to enable the Co-curricular Lecturers to assess students more clearly and effectively. This study aims to develop a Soft Skills Rubber for Student Co-curicular Matriculation Program. The process of building the Co-curicularFramework is based on the ADDIE Model and the Morrow Model. In addition, the theories related to assessment include the Krathwol Theory of Affective Domain, John Biggs's Theory of Constitutionality, Patrick O'Brien's Theory of Soft Skill (Winning Character), Guidelines to Good Practices: Assessment of Students, GGP: US, ICGPA Rubric: Learning Outcomes Assessment Guide and Curriculum Specification Curriculum Matriculation Program for the element of reasoning. Discussions focus on Teamwork Skills and Lifelong Learning through affective domains. The design of this study is a combination of descriptive and experimental - the one-shot case study. As a result of this study the researcher was able to produce a Soft Skills Rubber for Student Co-curicular Matriculation Program, Ministry of Education Malaysia.


