The Relationship Between Student Academic Achievements and Their Thinking Style


  • Najmi Hayati
  • Shahlan Surat
  • M. Ali Noer


Arabic Classes, Thinking Style, Teacher, Student, Achievement.


This research was carried out in the Pekanbaru city, Riau Province, Indonesia. The aim of this research is to see whether there is a correlation between thought styles and student achievement in Arabic classes. A questionnaire would be used to gather answers from 150 students at Riau Islamic University's Faculty of Islam's Department of Islamic Education. This reduction in achievement is a crucial indication of the need to develop teaching and learning methods in the classroom, which cover academic, social, and behavioral elements. Student accomplishments, as well as steps to improve student engagement, inspiration, and success, must be addressed right away. This indicates that personality distinctions and student abilities are less essential. Teachers have their own thought styles without considering the correlations of student cognitive styles, where thinking styles and learning are the outcomes of teachers' and students' mental styles. The secret to thinking style and success in the classroom is each specific teacher's and student's thinking style. The Sternberg-Wagner (1997) Thought Style Inventory was used to assess the thinking types of the students in this sample. To describe the respondent's profile and to address study questions, descriptive statistical analysis was used to measure the mean and standard deviation. Monarchical, Oligarchic, Global, Local, External, and Conservative thought patterns can be shown to be the most prevalent in the study. It suggests that the prevailing thought method is the one that is seen the most in the class. The understanding is that Sternberg's thought style is also not being used optimally in the classroom because students and teachers do not completely comprehend each individual's thinking style, necessitating fertilization in order to harmonies the teaching and learning thinking styles. According to the importance of the local thinking style's reliability, the inferior correlation value is quite prevalent, indicating that the local thinking style is the most commonly utilized in the class among the prevailing thinking styles.


