Enhancing Higher Order Thinking Skills (Hots) Through Literature Components in ESL Classrooms


  • Yoges Gopalan
  • Harwati Hashim


Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), ESL, Literature


In preparing students for 21st century, the importance of teaching higher order thinking skills is questionable. Yet, many educators and employers express their concern that young Malaysians especially fresh graduates are unable to think critically and creatively. Therefore, this paper presents a review of extant literature on studies related to HOTS through literature in ESL Classrooms. Many tools have been used for language teaching to teach the language more efficiently over the course of time. Nevertheless, it is widely accepted that literature has proven to be one of the best and most beneficial teaching resources. Literature is currently being taught by adhering to the syllabus merely for examination purposes, instead of teaching to cultivate understanding and appreciation. Change needs to be taken place thereby immediately. The instillation of HOTS through literature is seen as a great benefit. English Literature is now collocated in the preliminary National Education Blueprint (2013-2015) as a method to help improve English proficiency of students. In accordance with the transformation of education in Malaysia, this paper explains the various types of literature that exist in the current curriculum and how it can be integrated in English lessons to instil Higher Order Thinking Skills. This paper suggests that English literature should be reconceptualised given its ability to help educate and train young Malaysians to think critically based on the Taxonomy Bloom (Revised Anderson) as it caters for both advanced and beginner level learners. Literature should therefore be used as a bridge for educating young Malaysians to be innovative and to think critically.


