Digital Citizenship Literacy Knowledge among Undergraduates of Sultan Idris Education University: Preliminary Studies


  • Noor Banu Mahadir
  • Nur Hidayah Baharudin
  • Zuraini Jamil@ Osman


Digital Citizenship, Knowledge, Rights and Responsibilities, Technology, Ethics


The demand for technology use among students had become inseparable, thus required them to know the importance of digital citizenship. This paper presents a new verified measuring digital citizenship model of knowledge literacy among undergraduates’ students at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Perak, Malaysia. This article reports the finding of digital citizenship knowledge sub-variables of rights and responsibilities, the technology used, and ethics. The measuring model of Confirmatory Factor Analysis results is (CMIN= 727.099, DF= 149, CMIN/DF= 4.880, p=.000, CFI=.940, GFI=.927, TLI= .931, RMSEA= .062) had achieved the convergent validity. The findings of the study are relevant for evaluating undergraduates' digital citizenship literacy knowledge in Malaysia. It has previously been observed that studies related to digital citizenships has been done in a multidimensional nature of the topic such as digital and media literacy, civic engagement online, rights and responsibility when online and online identity and security. This study aimed of looking at digital citizenship within digital citizenship knowledge in the scope of rights and responsibilities, technology use, and ethics.


