Application of Theory of Social Constructivism in Teaching Arabic Teachers to Apply Higher Order Thinking Skill


  • Najlaa Shazana Mohamad
  • Taj Rijal Muhamad Romli


Theory of Social Constructivism, Arabic language Teachers, Arabic Language, Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS), Standard Secondary School Curriculum


Theory of Social Constructivism is a theory that introduced by Vygotsky's emphasis on social interactions that give the impression of a positive impact on a person's mastery of language. Arabic is an additional language in school that studied by students in Malaysia. Through the Malaysian Education Development Plan (2013 – 2025), a revision to the curriculum has been implemented where the Integrated Secondary School Curriculum has been changed to the Standard Secondary School Curriculum. In this Standard Secondary School Curriculum, Higher Order Thinking Skill is an element that needs to be given direct emphasis. This reform is a big challenge for Arabic language teachers who have been emphasizing the teaching of language knowledge more than language skills themselves. Therefore, this theory of social constructivism can be seen to be applied to apply HOTS in the teaching of Arabic language teachers more effectively.


