Workplace Learning Research Trends in 21 Century: A Bibliometric Review of 20 Years’ Research


  • Rouhollah Khodabandelou
  • Faeza ALThamari
  • Zahra Pourjafarian


Learning, Workplace Learning, Science Mapping, Education.


Workplace Learning (WL) is one of the most attractive areas of development in education, and it is main concerns at the universities. Workplace Learning and its new focus of learning is on changing business perspectives, and educational institutions are working to become more involved with the world of work than ever before. The growth of research on WL has resulted in interesting challenges for institutions. A considerable amount of literature has been published on WL in order to increase knowledge in this field of study. Some of these contributions are in literature review format. The present study extends the review of the literature by providing a general perspective and going beyond WL. It uses a combination of bibliometric technique and thematic analysis to comprehensively examine and review the WL field. For the purpose of this study, 1,121 existing documents from 2000 to 2020 which have been indexed in Web of Science database are investigated. Additionally, the researchers analyzed a sample of 10 most cited articles to identify the quality and impact. Major research trends in WL research literature which has been investigated including variations across publication years, identifying active research areas, and the most prolific authors, organizations and counties, co-authorship. It can be said that the current study is describing the current state of workplace learning. With the intent of informing future research and practice in the emerging discipline of workplace learning


