Mobile Application Development Trough ADDIE Model


  • Mat Redhuan Samsudin
  • Rushana Sulaiman
  • Tan Tse Guan
  • Anuar Mohd Yusof
  • Mohd Firdaus Che Yaacob


Instructional Design, Mobile Application, Teaching & Learning, Mute-Deaf Students’, ADDIE Model


The development of a mobile application must have a systematic system to ensure the development process of an application is more effective. The purpose of this study is to identify design model as guide to develop the module based on research has been done. The ADDIE model is a selected model for mobile application development. There are five phases in the ADDIE model which in the first phase is analysis which is to identify the problem of learning module design, purpose, learning environment and students' existing knowledge and skills. While in the second phase is the design, which is related to learning objectives, assessment instruments, training, content, subject analysis, lesson planning and media selection. The third phase is development, in this phase the programming process is done based on the design that has been made. Testing procedures were performed and reviewed according to the feedback provided. The fourth phase is implementation, in this phase the developed application is adopted by the user. The last phase is the assessment which consists of two parts namely formative and summative. Formative assessment is available at every stage of the ADDIE process. Summative evaluations consist of tests designed for reference items related to specific domain criteria and provide opportunities for feedback from users.


