Fuzzy Delphi Method: The Development of Integrated Play-Based Learning Activity Model to Improve Emotion and Creative Imagination of Preschool Children
Cooperative Learning, Play-based Learning, Motivation, Imagination, CreativityAbstract
This article aims to propose an integrated play-based learning activity model for preschool children. This learning activity model was developed based on the results of case studies conducted through document analysis, interviews and Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) on a group of 25 early childhood education experts in order to identify suitable learning through play activities. Meta-analysis was conducted to gather and list down emotion and imaginative (emoginative) game activities garnered from previous studies’ findings. The interview method, involved 3 respondents – 2 senior preschool teachers, and 1 early childhood education lecturer. The emoginative activities identified from previous meta-analysis method were presented to them and their consent were recorded. The findings from the meta-analysis method highlighted 20 suitable learning through play activity items based on emotion and imagination. The result of the interview shows that the respondents are all in agreement and further suggested the 18 activities to be conducted during teaching and learning process. Meanwhile, the results from FDM highlighted the experts’ Agreement Value to be at a rather high range, which is 37.2 to 43.4. The study findings also suggest that learning through play must undergo 3 phases, namely Expose, Expedition and Excite. Such a teaching strategy is meant to improve children’s involvement as intrinsic motivation. At the same time, the children’s imagination and creativity can be formed more strategically, while simultaneously developing skills required to face the 21st-century challenges.