Obesity as A Risk Factor for Hypertension


  • Yahya Fahim


Obesity, Hypertension, Risk


Obesity has been a considered as phenomenon around the globe, leading to a variety of disorders such as metabolic diseases, asthma, and cardiovascular disease. Obesity and overweight are often related to increased levels of aldosterone in the blood, which implies a direct relationship between obesity, high blood pressure and mineralocorticoid levels. Adipocyte is believed to have a part in the fight against homeostasis, and recent studies have now shown that human fat is a highly active endocrine tissue. The research thus examined whether obesity is a rik factor for hypertension. The steroid genesis in human adrenocortical cells, NCI-H295R and bovine adrenocortical cells, was increased by isolation of human adi-cyte secretion products, focusing on the secretion of mineral corticoids. The outcoems indidcated that hypertension associated to obesity has direct relation between the metabolism of fat tissue and the production of adrenal mineralocorticoids.


