Online Distance Learning Perception and Readiness During Covid-19 Outbreak: A Research Review


  • Masri bin Abdul Lasi


Online Distance Learning, Learner Perceptions, Readiness, Educator, Higher Learning Institution.


The purpose of this study is to  understand the perception and readiness on online distance learning. The study aims to add to the growing body of knowledge that has looked at many different variables that may affect educator and student performance by using a qualitative analysis approach research review, this study reviewed 26  published papers and research studies on the online learning, this study focusing on how theories, practices and assessments online to the current environment. The propose of this study is to provide suggestion for online distance learning. Based on this review, author focuses on the online distance learning, perceptions online distance learning at tertiary level educator and readiness to online distance learning, Because of challenges are interrelated, based on the findings, the researcher propose a conceptual framework of emerging issues for e-learning in Malaysia. The framework is useful to guide both practice and research.  The researchers would like to recommend for future research to investigate the comparison between students' and lecturer's readiness to use Online Distance Learning (ODL) by using quantitative approach where more respondents can participate in the study. 


