Comparing Back Lift Techniques in Front Foot Drive Batting Skills among Cricket Players


  • Norlena Salamuddin
  • Adam Zulkiflie


Cricket, Batting Techniques, Back Lift Techniques, Front Foot Drive, Accuracy


The game of cricket emphasizes on hitting scoring shots which involved good batting skills. One of the basic skills of batting in cricket is the Front Foot Drive (FFD) which places the importance on the back lift techniques used. The aim of this study is to compare the accuracy, distance and reaction of time of FFD batting skill using two back lift techniques, namely Back lift Straight (BS) and Back lift Lateral (BL) techniques. Twenty-two male cricket players aged between 22 to 25 years old with an average playing years of were purposively selected as samples for this study. A bowling machine was used to ensure consistent speed and trajectory of ball so that distance, accuracy and reaction time of batting can be determined. Independent sample t-test were used to analyse the data obtained. The t-test analysis showed significant differences between BS and BL techniques in testing the accuracy (t = 2.153, p = 0.037). However, there were no significant difference between BS and BL techniques in distance of hitting and the time reaction of hitting. Results showed that different batting techniques is necessary for accuracy. In a close game accuracy to bat the ball out of reach of opponents is necessary. Thus, the results of this study suggest that coaches need to identify their players’ batting techniques in order to strategize games especially against a good opponent. The findings also show that coaches need to be aware of their players batting style in order to be able to design training programs which are appropriate and effective for the players.


