Effects of Competitive Learning Strategy on Secondary School Students Learning Outcomes: Implications for Counselling


  • Chinwe Okereke
  • Charles N. Ugwuegbulam


Competitive Learning Strategy, Gender, Learning Outcomes, Teacher Centered Learning Strategies.


This study sought to find out the effects of competitive learning strategy on secondary school students learning outcomes in chemistry. Two null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design. There were 337 senior secondary students ii (sss ii) purposively selected from eight (8) intact classes in imo state from 3 boys only and 3 girls only schools. The instrument for data collection was titled “chemistry achievement test” designed by the researchers. It was validated before being put into use. The experimental treatment lasted for four weeks and data collected were analyzed using analysis of covariance (ancova). The findings showed that competitive learning strategy enhanced students’ learning outcomes in chemistry. Based on the findings, it was recommended that chemistry teachers should inculcate competitive learning strategy in the classrooms. Again, students should be motivated to learn through healthy quiz competitions to enhance their learning outcomes.


