Examining Labuan ESL Teachers’ Mastery of TPACK in the Teaching of English
English as a Second Language, Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge, TPACK, Technology, Labuan.Abstract
For English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction to be successful in this digital age, the incorporation of technology has become increasingly important in the dynamic field of language teaching. However, there is a dearth of research addressing teachers’ Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Malaysia ESL classroom setting. Hence, this study examined ESL teachers’ mastery of TPACK in the teaching of English in Labuan, Malaysia. Sixty-nine ESL Labuan ESL teachers participated this quantitative study by answering an online questionnaire distributed through Google Form via Telegram group. The results showed that teachers had a high level of understanding across all TPACK components. Among the four domains, teachers' technological knowledge was the highest, while teachers have the lowest mastery of pedagogical knowledge. No significant difference was found between teachers’ TPACK level and their teaching experience. This study also reported there is a lack of a statistically significant difference in Labuan ESL teachers’ TPACK level according to the professional development they have received. The findings of the research offer insight to educators and policymakers as Labuan teachers need to possess the necessary technology literacy skills to ensure the effectiveness of ESL teaching.