Module Validation via Delphi Techniques: One Consensus and Unanimity


  • Siti Salina Mustakim
  • Adi Atmoko
  • Yusuf Hanafi
  • Toto Nusantoro
  • Tham Jia Hao


Delphi Techniques, Module Validation, Module Development, Expert Consensus


The Delphi techniques are widely utilized as a research approach to reach a consensus among a group of experts. When validating a module, this approach employs a judgment to prove the validity of the content item. The objective of this study is to reach a consensus on the development of the 3Q Module for enhancing Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic Skills among Bajau elementary school pupils. In the first round, participants were given a structured questionnaire based on a 3Q Module item. The 3Q Module is revised in the second round depending on the replies and comments of the participants. Participants were asked to score the classified questions from both rounds on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 representing "Strongly Disagree" and 5 representing "Strongly Agree." On rounds one and two, the experts' consensus data were analysed using the median and interquartile range. As a result of applying two rounds of Delphi techniques, the 3Q Module reached the consensus.


