The Legend of Si Pitung and its Cultural Adaptation to Movies and Comics: Comparison of Literature with its Character Design Representations
Character Design, Si Pitung, Betawi CultureAbstract
The legend of Si Pitung has been a part of the Betawi community for decades. The presence of Si Pitung was a commotion for the Dutch who at that time occupied Batavia and until now the story that continues to reverberate is as an exemplary tale of heroism and generosity. Character design is an important part of the production of comics, animation and games. Character is a profile entity that will play a role in a certain context in conveying the ideological content that represents a group. Character design is an attempt to bring an imaginary character to life. The increasingly vibrant world of Intellectual Property (IP) will have an impact on the comic and animation industry and even begin to penetrate the world of computer games in Indonesia, in connection with this, it is often seen that new character designs are only limited to visual aspects, so that the characters appearing in comics or animation in Indonesia are apparently not well designed. Comics, animation and games are media that can be used to convey educational material both formal and informal. This research is about exploring character designs based on the visual, philosophical and ideological riches of Si Pitung and its adaptation.