Effect of Toddler Play on Fine Motor Skills for 2-3 Years Old Children at Taska Kemas PPAK Batu Anam


  • Nik Evina binti Nik Roseli
  • Norul Huda binti Mohd Ghazali
  • Mohd Azim bin Sharim
  • Sharliana Binti Che Ani
  • Nurul Atiqa Bte Abdullah


Fine Motor Skills, Hand-Eye Coordination, Motor Skills, Play-Based Activities


This research focuses on fine motor skills development in early childhood, particularly in 2-3-year-old children. Previous studies have established a strong connection between fine motor skills and various areas of development, such as gross motor skills, mathematics, and literacy. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of toddler play, including activities like holding, folding, colouring, matching, and stringing beads, on the development of fine motor skills. The study involved six children within the specified age range and employed survey and observation forms. The survey forms were administered to parents and teachers at TASKA KEMAS PPAK Batu Anam, while the observation form was used during the activities mentioned earlier. The questionnaire was divided into three parts: one for parents, one for teachers, and the other for observing the children's engagement in holding, folding, colouring, matching, and stringing beads at TASKA KEMAS PPAK Batu Anam.


