Use of Delphi Fuzzy Technique in Selection of Key Components of Self-Defense Training for Preschool Child Sex Education


  • Zarina Eshak
  • Azizah Zain
  • Norsyimar Akmar Hashim


Sexuality Education, A Key Component of Self-Defense Training, Fuzzy Delphi, Research Expert.


This article discusses the use of Fuzzy Delphi in defining key components in Self-Defense Training for preschool children. Because the scale of key components has been chosen to provide martial arts training to preschool children, the selection of these components can be seen as a process of decision making by several experts in the fields of early childhood education, martial arts, medicine-pediatrics, and counseling. This study aims to provide a systematic approach to component selection and key component sequencing, in which there are two phases of the procedure. The first stage uses the Delphi Fuzzy Method to obtain expert consensus on the components of martial arts training. In the second stage, the process is used to determine the importance of each of these criteria as a key title that can be measured from the positioning of the component. The results show that all the elements (items) for the main components of Self-Defense Training meet the threshold value (less than 0.2), and the approval rate of expert groups is over 75%. The main components of Self-Defense Training include family relationship activities, relationships with outsiders, emotional and social health management activities, physical & reproductive health, and safety activities. These findings indicate that all of the key components are necessary to establish a martial arts education based on Self-Defense for preschoolers based on expert consensus.


