Digital Game-based Learning in Enhancing Recycling Awareness


  • Lee Siew Chin
  • Rahimah Wahid


Digital Game, Environment, Experimental Group, Quasi-Experiment, T-Test.


This study aims to identify the effect of Edu-Environment digital game in teaching Form 1 students in learning topics about recycling in Seremban secondary school. Quasi-experimental method was applied in this study. The total of 80 students were employed as samples. In this research, students are divided into two different groups which are the controlled and the experimental. Each group is given different treatment where the controlled group is given traditional approach method and the experimental group use the gamification approach method. At the early stage, the two groups of students are given pre-test. The results of the pre-test show there isn’t any significant differentiation between the two groups. Based on the findings from the pre-test, controlled group indicated the pre-test with the min=9.60 meanwhile the experimental group indicated the pre-test with the min=9.88. According to the result, experimental group indicated that the scores were significantly higher after playing the game with a p-value= 0.00 and using a level of significance of 0.05 (p<0.05). This is a statistically significant result which shown there is a statistically significant difference between the scores after playing the game (M=15.00) than the ones before (M=9.88). Therefore, the gamification approach method shows a better improvement in the students’ score in the recycling topics compared to the traditional method. Overall, digital game contributed positive impact to government in encouraging teacher using and apply  ICT in their teaching lesson. Besides this,  this approach also help the students to be more active, increase their self-confidence and their thinking skills.


