Leadership and Lifelong Learning in Higher Education: Leading for Learning in The Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era


  • Chui Yean
  • Foong


Lifelong Learning, Leadership, Digitalisation


Lifelong learning is essential for higher education institutions in the IR 4.0 era. Higher education institutions must shift from their traditional role of imparting specialised knowledge to a flexible system that embeds lifelong learning for its members. Educational leadership is a crucial part of the shift, and the present study explored the role of educational leaders in supporting lifelong learning in higher education. This study employed a qualitative semi-structured interview to collect data and answer the following research questions: 1) What is the meaning of lifelong learning in IR 4.0? 2) What are the roles of educational leaders in supporting lifelong learning in IR 4.0? 3) How do educational leaders support lifelong learning in IR 4.0? The findings of this study showed that educational leaders play the roles of digital leaders, change agents, and communicators. This study found that educational leaders must possess the following core competencies in supporting lifelong learning in IR4.0: 1) inspiring and empowering members to become self-driven and self-organising learners, 2) visionary and value-driven 3) aware of the interconnectedness of behaviours and mindsets, 4) cultivating collective and collaborative learning in the institution. This study’s findings suggest that leaders are boundary spanners who break the boundaries between faculties and disciplines in developing a sustainable lifelong learning culture. In addition, higher education institutions should prioritise the digitalisation of workflow in supporting the lifelong learning of its members.


