Postgraduate Medical Educators’ Perception of Continuous Professional Development in Pedagogy and Andragogy: The CME and CPD Crossover


  • Bawani Nesamany
  • N Sundari Subasini


Medical Educators’, Professional Development, Pedagogy, Andragogy, CME, CPD, Crossover


This qualitative research study investigates the awareness and perceptions of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) focused on andragogy among three key leaders within a wellness academy specializing in training physicians in the fields of bio-regenerative medicine and anti-aging. These leaders, who play pivotal roles as postgraduate medical educators, were the primary subjects of this study. Through interviews and thematic analysis, this research reveals a significant gap in the awareness and understanding of CPD among the studied educators. The findings demonstrate that they possess a fixed perception, equating CPD with Continuing Medical Education (CME), thus overlooking the broader pedagogical and andragogical dimensions that CPD encompasses. Key findings indicate that these educators have limited knowledge of the evolving methodologies, strategies, and best practices in adult education, which are essential for effective teaching in postgraduate medical education. Their predominant focus on CME, with its emphasis on clinical knowledge and skills, has mired their recognition of the broader educational development opportunities within CPD. This study sheds light on the critical need for professional development initiatives to bridge this awareness gap among postgraduate medical educators. By recognizing and integrating pedagogical and andragogical components, to distinguish it from CME, medical educators can better meet the evolving needs of postgraduate medical education and contribute to the advancement of the field. The findings offer valuable insights for medical education institutions and curriculum developers seeking to enhance the quality and effectiveness of postgraduate medical education through a more comprehensive understanding and integration of CPD principles.



