21st-Century Geography Teaching and Learning: Issues and Challenges


  • Nursofiani binti Mohamad Amin
  • Khairul Azhar bin Jamaludin


21st-century Teaching and Learning, 21st-Century Skills, Education in Geography, Information Technology


In this era of globalization, education plays an important role in lives across all societal strata. Education helps to expand skills, knowledge, and values needed to achieve success in life. The Malaysian Ministry of Education curated a transformation via the Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013-2025 (PPPM) by enhancing various fields within education. The increase in the quality of teaching and learning is an initiative of the Malaysian Ministry of Education to anchor education’s pivotal role in national development and enhancement of Malaysia’s position in the global arena. This study discusses issues, challenges, and recommendations related to 21st-century education, particularly in the context of geography teaching and learning. The discussion in this study revolves around teachers' skills in 21st-century teaching and learning, and it explores past studies related to issues and challenges in 21st-century education. Not only that, but the researchers also propose several measures to further enhance the field of 21st-century education to help improve the quality of human resources, foster innovation, and enhance competitiveness in the global economy. Therefore, society needs to prioritize education and ensure equal access to quality education for every individual. This can contribute to the development of a more advanced, inclusive, and highly competitive society.


