Maths Teachers' Readiness towards Digital Transformation of Education in Nabawan


  • Felisca Farah Rubert
  • Muhammad Sofwan Mahmud


Digitalize Education, Readiness, Transformation, Primary School


Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the transformation of digitizing education, especially for mathematics subjects. This transformation is important to meet the challenges of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and produce a generation that can compete globally. This desire is in line with Shift 7 in the Malaysian Education Development Plan (PPPM 2013-2025) which is to utilize ICT to improve the quality of learning in Malaysia. However, previous studies have found that teachers' readiness is at a moderate level for implementing the teaching and learning of 21st Century mathematics. This study was conducted to examine the level of readiness of mathematics teachers towards the digital transformation of education in teaching and learning, especially in rural schools within Nabawan, Sabah and to identify if there is a difference in the level of teacher readiness based on gender. This study uses a survey research design using a quantitative questionnaire instrument distributed through Google Form. A total of 76 study respondents, consisting of 39 male teachers and 37 female teachers who taught mathematics subjects in primary school, were randomly selected. The results of a descriptive test using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software found that the level of teacher readiness was at a high level, with a mean of 3.88. The results of the t-test show that there is no difference in the level of teacher readiness based on gender. Therefore, this study is expected to provide information to the Ministry of Education to help teachers especially in rural schools and face the digital transformation of education.


