Career Transition for Special Needs Students: A Significant Systematic Literature Review


  • Khairunnisa Mokhtar
  • Rozniza Zaharudin
  • Khairul Anwar Ghazali


Career Transition, Special Needs Student, Special Education


Transitioning from special education to post-school life presents unique challenges for students with disabilities. It is a phase marked by increased independence, decision-making, and the pursuit of further employment. However, students with disabilities often face barriers that can impede a smooth transition, including limited access to comprehensive transition programs and insufficient support in navigating this critical period. This systematic literature review explores the landscape of transition programs designed to bridge the gap between special education and post-school life. This study used the PRISMA approach. The systematic search of academic data using Scopus and Web of Science provides a comprehensive selection of studies, reviews, and articles related to the transition program for special education students. After applying advanced searching, the final data identifies three themes: 1) best practices for facilitating successful career transitions, 2) challenges faced by both teachers and parents in ensuring program success, and 3) the overall effectiveness of transition programs and support services. In conclusion, the systematic literature review highlights the importance of transition programs for special education students as a means to bridge the gap between their educational experience and the realities of adult life. By addressing the critical need for effective transition programs, educators, policymakers, and stakeholders can contribute to the improved post-school outcomes and overall well-being of students with disabilities. This review underscores the necessity for ongoing research and the development of evidence-based practices in the field of special education transition programs.


