The Mediating Role of Social Adjustment in the Relationship between Psychological Well-Being, and Achievement Motivation among Arab Postgraduate Students in Malaysia


  • Maryem Younes Grera
  • Siti Rafiah Abd Hamid
  • Sekamanya Siraje Abdallah


Psychological Well-Being, Social Adjustment, Achievement Motivation, Arab Postgraduate Students


The present study aims to examine whether social adjustment mediates the relationship between  psychological wellbeing, and achievement motivation among Arab postgraduate students in malaysia. The participants in this study included 210 Arab postgraduate  students in Malaysia. Data were collected using the Grera’s Achievement Motivation test ( 2022), Ryff’s psychological wellbeing test (1989), and Social adjustment test (Grera, 2023). Pearson correlation coefficient test and  Structural equation modeling using AMOS 23 were used to analyze the data. The results indicated that there were significant relationships between  psychological wellbeing, and achievement motivation among Arab postgraduate students in Malaysia. The study findings indicated that social adjustment mediated the relationship between  psychological well-being (environmental mastery, autonomy, self-acceptance, positive relations with others, personal growth, and purpose in life) and achievement motivation (Perseverance, Ambition, Goal setting, and  Endurance) among postgraduate students in Malaysia.


