Students' Perceived Usefulness and Enjoyment on the Use of ClassDojo in ESL Classroom


  • Catherine Nguoi Chui Lam


ClassDojo, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Enjoyment, ESL Learners, Reward Chart


This study examined the use of ClassDojo, a digital reward tracking tool in English as a Second Language (ESL) classroom. A total of eighty-eight (88) students, from five (5) Communicative English classes have responded to a survey form after the tool was used in the classes for a duration of a semester. The purpose of this study is to explore how the students perceive the usefulness and their enjoyment on the use of the tool. The findings show that  participants have positive perceptions on both the usefulness and enjoyment of using ClassDojo in their ESL classes. Constructive competitive environment, enhanced student motivation and classroom focus as well as active classroom participation and positive classroom relationships were among the themes highlighted. Also, the results have confirmed participants’ perceived enjoyment of using ClassDojo in their ESL classes.


