Assessment of the Impact of the UNICEF Supported School Feeding Programme on Attendance of Pupils in Federal Capital Territory


  • Bridget E. Uwameiye
  • Lilian. I. Salami


Impact, School Feeding Programme, School Attendance, Pupils, Education


This study investigated the impact of the school feeding programme on the attendance of pupils in FCT Abuja Nigeria. The research design adopted for this study was the expo-facto. A total of 385 pupils under the school feeding programme and 217pupils under the non-school feeding schools were used for the study. A checklist was used to obtain the data on attendance of pupils from the daily class register. One research question and a hypothesis were formulated and tested at.05 level of significance. The data were analysed using percentages and bar charts while the hypothesis was tested using t-test. Based on the analysis, these were the findings; 1 the implementation of school feeding programme in the selected primary schools brought about increased annual percentage attendance of pupils under the school feeding Schools. Attendance of pupils in school feeding schools was significantly different from the attendance of pupils without the school feeding schools, in favour of the pupils under the school feeding programme; Based on the findings; one of the recommendations made was that; The Federal Government of Nigeria should promulgate policies that will focus on how the school feeding programme can be effectively implemented in all the states of the country.


